Wednesday, February 16, 2011

EDM 613 MAC Week 3 Response To Peers @Gregg

Gregg said :

Well, as I waded through my brainwaves of confusion for what I am going to be doing for my Publishing/Leadership Project for week 4 and Month 12, I feel I have a better grasp on what I will be presenting. You know those times when you think you have a clear idea and plan as to what you will be doing to execute something? Well, that's what I thought I had going for me until Wimba session 3 hit me. I was way off with my initial thoughts on my leadership project, but I think I've straightened myself out now. Thanks for clearing that up within this session Joe! It was much appreciated.

Now, "The Art of Possibility" discussion was very enlightening. I enjoyed watching the old "Right Now" video from Van Halen. I think I was in like 8th grade when that came out. I wanted to go and get my white-washed jeans, peg my pants, and go ride my old school Powell Peralta skateboard! At any rate, the message was clear with how the video portrayed the message of "choice." As I read "The Art of Possibility" I really was getting the message about how to fully understand that we are in control of creating the possibility for making change. We as educators have a choice whether or not to create a learning environment that is meaningful and conducive to our students. It is not going to just happen through pacing guides and administrative duties that are pushed down our throats from the leaders above us that are not in the classroom. Teachers need to realize that above all the state standards and bureaucracy that is attached to education these days that we still have the power to provide the education that our students deserve. So, the book really opened my eyes into how choice is still out there for educators to take power in.

My favorite chapter in the book so far was the 2nd chapter on how we measure ourselves from a worldly perspective, but rather viewing life as a universe of possibility that we have control of. "The Secret" was mentioned earlier in the Wimba session and I remember the huge uproar that this created, especially since Oprah endorsed it. I think what this book missed on was the fact that there is still action that needs to be taken, other than just positive thoughts or vibes, when true change is desired. More than likely, things are not going to happen if you just think it. Rather, we make it possible by creating an environment that makes students want to learn through change. This is how students, and teachers, become ok with the possibility of making mistakes and therefore taking more risks through this thing called life.

Elizabeth said:


It is so empowering to hear that teachers all over the country, from California to Wisconsin to Florida, all have the same issues with state level control of education. We are not alone in our struggles... everyone of us teachers in the EMDT program want to create a better classroom and enrich students lives. The Art of Possibility is a book of hope, change, ( no pun intended here) and peace within ourselves. I can only control what happens in MY classroom. Have I addressed the mandated curriculum- yes. Have I also taught my students to think outside the box, be caring and compassionate people, and be proud of who they are- ABSOLUTELY. Those things come form the heart, not a bill or legislation.

I love to pass on what I have learned from my classes at EMDT. I feel like being a leader to others is important. But it is their choice to take that leadership, make it their own, and lead others with ideas built on what I gave them.

I liked the Van Halen song too. Those were the days.... some of those issues are not so different "right now"...

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